Silver Star Nutrition Gable Gold is a high-quality whey protein created by cold process cross-flow microfiltration. This pure protein naturally contains all nine essential amino acids including branched chain amino acids (BCAAS) that can help build muscle, aid in recovery, and provide healthy fuel. Also included is coconut derived MCT oil powder which is easily absorbed and transported throughout the body to be used as a quick fuel source. Gable Gold can help get you to your next level of performance with it’s simple and pure ingredients. You can find this product in vanilla and chocolate.

Silver Star Nutrition 141 Complex Protein was formulated by Bailey Slater off his wrestling weight 141 in mind. This product brings together three different types of proteins, each containing the nine essential amino acids. Whey Protein Isolate is a fast-acting protein and quickly provides building blocks for muscle repair. Whey Protein Concentrate offers high levels of branched-chain amino acids and tastes great. Micellar Casein takes longer to digest which promotes an extended window of absorption for maximum recovery. Also included to help speed up in recovery is curcumin, making 141 a truly unique product for those competitive athletes looking for muscle recovery. You can find this product in both vanilla and chocolate.
Dan Gable and Barry Davis back together agian!
Legends Dan Gable and Barry Davis have come back together to educate and inspire young athletes on the importance of nutrition in their training. Through their love and passion for the sport of wrestling, Gable Gold Protein was created!